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I have Fibromyalgia, OA and Depression. I am trying to raise awareness of these and other similar debilitating illnesses. Remember - They may not be able to see our pain, but YOU can feel it...and they can't prove it isnt there !!! YOU are human...YOU have rights...YOU have the right to be heard - TALK - SHOUT - DONT STAY QUIET - LETS MAKE THEM HEAR US !! All the content featured on this site belongs to me and permission for use of any of my photos, images, names or blogposts is required.

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Press Complaints Commission

Today I received this response from the PCC regarding the offensive article in the sun:

Thank you for writing to the Press Complaints Commission about an article in The Sun by Rod Liddle headlined “’Pretend disabled’ really ARE sick”. We have received over 100 complaints about this coverage, mainly framed under Clause 1 (Accuracy) and Clause 12 (Discrimination) of the Editors’ Code of Practice.
In the circumstances, we have contacted the M E Association, who have confirmed that they expect to make a formal complaint to the PCC about this matter. We believe that the M E Association will be able to represent the concerns made by complainants as a whole, and in line with our standard procedure, we intend to investigate the matter using the M E Association as lead complainant.

We will seek to inform you of the outcome of our investigation in due course. In the meantime, please find attached for your information a copy of The Sun’s letters page of 1 February, which included several letters on this issue, including one from Dr Charles Shepherd of the M E Association.

A copy of the Code of Practice can be accessed using this web link: http://www.pcc.org.uk/cop/practice.html .

Further information about the complaints process can be accessed using this web link: http://www.pcc.org.uk/complaints/process.html.

Information about our service commitments to complainants can be accessed using this web link: http://www.pcc.org.uk/complaint/charter.html.

Further information about the PCC can be found on our website http://www.pcc.org.uk .

Yours sincerely

xxxxx xxx
Complaints Coordinator

Now I FULLY accept that its a good idea to liaise with the ME association, but what about the Fibromyalgia associations ? Liddle mentioned both in his article and I referred to both in my complaint. Anyone else get this response to their complaint ?

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